You often hear a variety of brochures and advertisement about the disadvantages of smoking, but you are still insistent take cigarettes.
In 4000 there were cigarette chemicals and additives are burned when you light a cigarette fire, you have dangerously yourself and those around you. Nicotine is the main ingredient in cigarettes, and when you take it, each suction will be transported in the blood causes the arteries and blood vessels shrink.
Its effects will cause your heart to experience complications such as heart attack and stroke. Cause is due to blocked blood vessels and the oxygen we breathe is not can reach the heart that can lead to such complications. Maybe the readers who reads my article might be a young person, I am sure you will say you are still young and will not be able get disease.
May not be present but would you think when you getting old ages and you will think about the consequences.
The main condition of chronic bronchitis and obstruktif lung disease (PPOK) is emfisema. Chronic bronchitis due to air channels and start inflamed remove mucus and then collect in the lungs to cause chronic cough.
Smoke, smoke, because through the tube and disrupt bronkial layer is then create mucus. For months you will experience continuous coughing that make you uncomfortable until the activity can not be properly do well
for this problem. Your failure to breathe, this is where the lungs emffisema elastisitas loss and began to harden.
When you breathe, the smoke will enter into avleoli, within the lam small pockets that line your lungs, capillaries around them will begin to harden and die.
If you are a smoker and you're reading this article, not my intention to scare you but, it is their desire, but must be reminded that one day you'll say that it was your mistake for not quit early.
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